How does structural integration work to help reduce pain stiffness and stress, increase energy, and encourage movement with grace and ease?
Structural Integration balances and aligns the body along a natural vertical axis by gradually stretching, lengthening and re-positioning the fascia, restoring its normal length and flexibility. The practitioner utilizes deep, gentle pressure to free the fascial restrictions. Chemically it is the collagen in the fascia that gives it its plasticity and enables it to change. The practitioner utilizes the appropriate pressure and combines the client's breath and movement to free the shortened tissue.
Structural Integration works by lengthening and opening the patterns in the connective tissue. As a result, the thickened, toughened tissue becomes soft, re-hydrated and more pliable, thus allowing movement and flexibility.
Structural Integration changes the body's compensations because it organizes the imbalances in the tissue. This holistic systemic approach to relating gravity through the myofascial layers aligns the body and improves posture. The body lengthens allowing muscles the space to work and joints the freedom to function.
Through its synergistic holistic approach, Structural Integration addresses our body's largest and most pervasive fundamental system, our structural tensegrity framework. Structural Integration brings integrity back into our tensegrity system by balancing the tension of its elastics, our myofascial webbing.